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Get involved with Men's Pie Club!

- Do you like pies?

- Are you keen to volunteer in an exciting and rewarding project?

- Would you like to help men of all ages across your region?

- Do you have a few hours a week to spare?

Men's Pie Club are currently looking to open more clubs across the north-east, and we would like to recruit more volunteers to help make things tick.

What we do

Men’s Pie Club is a project that targets social isolation in men, supporting their mental health and improving community engagement. It is aimed at all men, and looks to promote wellbeing through being part of positive social experiences with others.

Our clubs meet weekly in community venues, prepare and cook a pie together, and have a chat and a coffee afterwards.

How our Volunteers help us

At Men’s Pie Club, our Volunteer Leaders are integral to the success of each club. They are the people our Pie Men will see as the ‘friendly face’ on their first week, one of the people they may open up to over the future weeks, the vital cog that keeps our wheels turning.

As a Volunteer Leader you will:

  • Oversee the weekly running of your club.

  • Shop for the ingredients for the chosen recipes each week.

  • Ensure that the relationship is strong with the host venue.

  • Manage your Pie Men, ensuring that everyone is treated equally, and with respect.

  • Help to welcome in new members.

  • Complete basic admin tasks for your group.

  • Liaise regularly with your group, including ‘checking in’ on those absent for a few weeks.

It is vital that all MPC leaders are friendly, approachable and respectful of others, whatever their differences may be. A great MPC leader will help Men's Pie Club flow as naturally as possible, allow the Pie Men the opportunity to be themselves within the group, ensuring it is less of a ‘classroom’ and more like a ‘social club’.

Do I have to be an amazing cook?

It is not particularly important whether or not you are a fantastic cook, only that you can follow a recipe and encourage the Pie Men to try new things and experiment from time to time. A good pie is always a bonus, but does not define a great Men's Pie Club!

Our clubs are about so much more than the food: they centre on the processes around making and enjoying food with others, the chatter and laughter, the sharing of stories and ideas. Our clubs give many of our Pie Men the opportunity for positive social interaction that they might otherwise be lacking.

How to find out more

If you are interested in volunteering with Men’s Pie Club, or would simply like to chat about it a bit more, please complete the short form at:

or email: or more information.


Men's Pie Club is funded by Movember and delivered by Food Nation.

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